The Ministry of Equality will again be offering an awareness training session on “Introduction to Learning Disabilities and Autism” this coming Saturday. This training will be delivered to voluntary groups, charities and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) who work with, or would like to work with people with learning disabilities.

 This will be a repeat of the training session delivered to NGOs in November 2017. The purpose is to ensure that as many volunteers as possible are trained, so it will offer the opportunity to those who were unable to attend the last time that this training was offered.

On the last occasion the training was attended by Special Olympics Gibraltar, Gibraltar Girl Guides Association, The Scout Association (Gibraltar) and Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Gibraltar.

The training will be held on Saturday morning and volunteers expressed this as the most convenient time to them due to work commitments.

The seminar will focus on 5 key points:

1. Understanding learning disabilities, autism and mental health.

2. Causes associated with these diagnoses.

3. Understanding links between certain conditions.

4. Understanding behaviour within these conditions.

5. Positive approaches to working with people with learning disabilities.

This upcoming seminar will once again be delivered by Mr Colin Smith, who works very closely with the Ministry for Equality on various matters relating to people with disabilities. Colin Smith, RMNH, DipMHS, BSc (Hons) is an Independent Consultant within Learning Disabilities, Autism, Mental Health and Positive Behaviour. Colin is the Managing Director, Trainer and Speaker at Care and Support (UK).

Any volunteer wishing to attend the training should register in advance with the Ministry for Equality on or on 200 70112 The Minister for Equality, Samantha Sacramento, said: “I was very encouraged by the positive feedback received from the last training. Many of those who attended said that they had enjoyed the presentation and in particular the group interaction and the sharing of experiences. We know that a number of volunteers were unable to attend the last session; it is for this reason that this seminar is being repeated and we hope that those who were unable to attend the last time will take advantage of this opportunity to learn a bit more about working with people with disabilities.

These organisations provide an important service to the community, this includes helping children to develop key skills and attributes, which will no doubt help them in the future as adults. This training can only improve the excellent service that each NGO provides to the local community and will make them more inclusive of people with disabilities."