Educators across a number of local schools feel misrepresented by comments made this week by the Gibraltar Teachers Association regarding the relocation of schools Government project. 

The group of educators rejected claims that 99 percent of GTA members were unhappy with the plans and felt they had not been consulted sufficiently.

As a result, Notre Dame First School has taken the decision to leave the GTA and seek representation elsewhere. The group of educators also released a statement yesterday condemning the association for going to press without seeking consultation from its membership.


“The GTA has misrepresented us in these statements and has not had the courtesy to consult the Senior Leadership Teams of these schools before going to press,” a spokesman for the group said. “To date, our schools, depending on the planning stage of each one, have had a number of meetings with the Department of Education, including the Minister of Education, Gilbert Licudi, and have been promised ongoing consultation throughout the different stages of the planning process.”

The group of educators consisted of representatives from the Senior Leadership Teams at Westside Comprehensive, Governor’s Meadow, Bishop Fitzgerald and St Martin’s schools and the Senior Leadership Team at Bayside Comprehensive School.

GTA representative Victor Gonzalez stated that ‘none of the staff at Westside, Governor’s Meadow, Bishop Fitzgerald and St Martin’s schools are happy with the plans as they currently stand’ and ‘99% of our members were not happy and they felt they are not being consulted’.


The Senior Leadership Teams of these schools said that the above quotes were misleading and did not subscribe to them whatsoever.

“Mostly we are saddened and have lost trust in a leadership that has not been seen to comment on all the hard work and endeavours of our most professional staff,” the teachers said. “We both feel that the GTA should be concentrating on publicly celebrating member’s and children’s success and hard work as well as forming a positive integral part of the consultation process in all areas of education during these exciting times when we look forward to co-education, the realignment of key stages and new nurseries being set up in our new school next year.”


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