Loreto Convent study science at Camp Bay

As part of their science studies, year 6 pupils from Loreto Convent participated in a field trip to Camp Bay organised by The Nautilus Project.

 The pupils have been learning about invertebrates and members of the Nautilus Project have previously visited the school to teach the children about local marine life, including Gibraltar’s shoreline creatures. In the field trip, the children were treated to first hand experiences of molluscs, echinoderms and sponges which greatly enhanced their knowledge and understanding of the subject area.

The Nautilus team also offer talks and outings on Cephalopods (Octopus, squid, nautilus, cuttlefish), Sharks v Dolphins, Tuna and The Dangers of Plastic in our Oceans.

The school would like to thank the Nautilus project for their support in bringing the curriculum to life for our pupils.