Leo Olivero

Our lead story last Monday on the growing intransigence by the Spanish central government during hugely important Gibraltar-Brexit negotiations was highlighted by this newspaper, including the news that talks had stalled. A stalemate situation that had infuriated the Spaniards who are now maliciously throwing its toys out of the Brexit Pram. 

Panorama also last week, exclusively exposed Spain’s Brexit anti-Gibraltar campaign’ we specifically emphasised how ‘dirty Spanish underhand and devious scheming moves were already at play’ in protecting our source we were unable last week to part with further details’. However, this information was absolutely correct. Where the Spanish government continues to spread malicious erroneous and inaccurate information about Gibraltar as the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia discovered days after our report was published during his successful visit to the United States last week.

<b>The Spanish Briefing Paper – Made in Spain – for Spain – Promoting Spain’s View</b>

The DCM’s visit to Washington was somewhat taken over by the minister having to spend a considerable amount of valuable time countering Spanish misinformation about Gibraltar. Information disseminated by the Spanish Government by way of the Spanish Embassy in Washington who had mailed US Congressmen briefing papers on Gibraltar that were clearly inaccurate and factually incorrect.

What kind of a ‘briefing paper’ do you think the Spanish government could possibly have put together about Gibraltar which they later forwarded to high profile American politicians. A one-dimensional summary about the Madrid position based on the long held politically warped Spanish views on Gibraltar.

Panorama today has even more important related news. The Gibraltar Spanish dirty tricks strategy continues. We understand the Spanish Government will be operating similar tactics - but on more familiar territory closer to home – Brussels