Leo Olivero

The Gibraltar Parliament has collectively failed Gibraltar by ineffectively defending its people when the best interests of our nation were at stake, importantly requiring a united and robust parliamentary response from our elected representatives.

Instead - Parliament who met on Friday meekly remained silent ignoring a motion by the high-powered Spanish Senate which passed a hugely important intimidating political claim over the sovereignty of Gibraltar. This happening in the middle of so-called Brexit negotiations.

Politicians need to be put in their place and in this case I say to all of them:

Shame on all - for ignoring the Spanish senate motion issue - you are all out of touch - when Gibraltar needed a united political front - it got the typical uninterested loose-ends.

Personally I am disgusted at the situation regarding this important matter. Together with other related issues we will not allow our well-paid politicians to easily forget irrespective who the politician or party it is.

Panorama Gave Fair Warning

In consecutive weeks (7 and 14 May) Panorama exclusively reported how public information regarding Brexit negotiations had been scant highlighting how Spanish frustration had set in as Madrid were not getting their way on sovereignty, jurisdiction and control matters. Then the Spanish senate lobbed into the Brexit arena a cross-party motion that was debated, voted and later passed - calling for “the territorial reintegration of Gibraltar” during Brexit negotiations and for a bilateral agreement to be reached with the UK “in the most favourable terms to the Spanish interests”.

“The Panorama report on the 7 May also exclusively highlighted and warned of the continuing Spanish dirty underhand and devious scheming anti-Gibraltar moves that were already at play”

No sooner had the ink dried on that Panorama edition, then the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia on an official visit to the United States discovered the Spanish Government through its Embassy in Washington had already mailed US Congressmen briefing papers on Gibraltar that were clearly inaccurate, factually misleading and other erroneous Gibraltar related information. Confirming Panorama’s exclusive Spanish dirty trick campaign theory.

The following week in our May 14 edition another related exclusive highlighted how Madrid was carefully planning to intensify its ‘Anti-Gibraltar Brexit Strategy’ by distributing similar skewered messages or briefing notes. This time to all 27-member states in the run-up to the EU leader’s summit in June, where Rajoy is expected to lay blame on the UK and Gibraltar for the stalled Brexit talks progress.

In between the latter dates Panorama on the 9 May in another edition titled “Gibraltar Should Present a Counter Brexit Motion” (to the Madrid Senate motion) Gibraltar and its Politicians pressed the national ‘MUTE’ button, which is still on.

Political Paralysis – Dastis Comments and the Brexit Purpose

Triggered by the fact that Gibraltar had remained silent and in political paralysis (in movement and mouth) including the rest of the local media. One media arm, in fact preferring to continue publishing (as it does daily) news lines and a focus overload on Spanish regional news normally served and carried by Spanish Campo information news rags - like Europa Sur and Area.