Viability of underground carpark in Grand Parade being considered

PANORAMA has always taken the view that underground car parks are the way forward, so we are happy to note that the viability of underground parking In Grand Parade is being considered - again.

There was also an idea mooted some time ago for an underground car park in the old naval ground opposite the boulevard, and another where Commonwealth park now stands.

The only way of effectively tackling the chaotic traffic and parking problem Gibraltar suffers from is for more car parks to be built in the town centre, which is where everyone wants to go!

Another underground idea that surfaced but did not take off was a scheme for the Alameda Grand Parade.

Now, another idea about underground parking in Grand Parade has surfaced,

The GONHS, Gibraltar Heritage Trust and ESG yesterday welcomed the exchange in Parliament on the 18th May highlighting a meeting held between the Chief Minister and the three groups in November 2017 to discuss the issue of the Grand Parade Car Parking Project.

The groups were very grateful to be able to present their views and concerns directly, and in some detail, which included viability of going underground, importance for current and future generations of preserving this important open space, and the added advantage this gave of creating an attractively landscaped area for both residents and the many thousands of tourists that will visit the Botanic Gardens and Upper Rock via the Cable Car.

“All three NGOs sincerely hope that the outcome of the investigations into the viability of an underground car park facility at this site will be successful,” said yesterday’s statement.

Certainly, the only way of effectively tackling the chaotic traffic and parking problem Gibraltar suffers from is for more car parks to be built in the town centre, which is where everyone wants to go, and if underground all the better!


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