PANORAMA reporter
Spanish language takes a beating in ‘A’ level results

Gibraltarian bilingualism is being torn from its core as yesterday’s A-Level results continued the trend that the majority of pupils are C students in Spanish classes. 

Although the overall pass rate was 94%, an increase on last year’s pass rate of 92%, only four out of 82 students received an A*for Spanish.

A total of 32 students attained a C grade, 21 received Bs, 14 pupils achieved As, ten received Ds and there was one E. There were no students who failed Spanish this year.

Gibraltar’s traditional strength in languages was reflected in full classrooms of over 20 A-Level students for French courses, but this year only six took up the subject.

By contrast, English Literature figures as prominently as ever with 53 students wishing to further their flair in Gibraltar’s official language.

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