I am delighted to present this first Annual Report of Her Majesty’s Attorney General for Gibraltar for the Legal Year 2017-2018. 

It has been my firm objective since the beginning of my tenure in 2015 to achieve three interrelated goals. The first is to discharge the constitutional duties of the Attorney General within an optimal organisational and operational structure; the second is to do so with the help and support of the right team; the third is to carry out these responsibilities with the greatest possible transparency.

In seeking to achieve these goals, I am both fortunate and grateful to have counted on the support of two successive Ministers of Justice: The Hon. Gilbert Licudi, QC MP and The Hon. Neil Costa MP.


In 2015, I initiated reforms toward meeting the first goal by amalgamating what were formerly known as the Attorney General’s Chambers, the European Union and International Department and the Legislation Support Unit into a new organisational structure now known as the Government Law Offices (“GLO”). The GLO comprises the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, the Office of Criminal Prosecutions and Litigation, the Office of Advisory Counsel and the Office of Administration and Gazette, all of which I superintend, but each with its own head and significant day-today operational autonomy.


The second goal was partly achieved when I was still Chief Legal Adviser, particularly through the recruitment of lawyers of high calibre to strengthen an excellent core team: these are individuals who are not only technically skilled but also wholeheartedly committed to public service. The recruitment process continues.

During the month of August, interviews for the recruitment of further Crown Counsel were conducted. A total of 20 applicants were interviewed, all members of the Gibraltar Bar. The successful applicants will be informed in the coming weeks.


The purpose of this first Annual Report is to help fulfil the third goal: transparency.

You will see that it reflects the range, complexity and volume of work carried out by the GLO. I hope that you will find it useful, and I welcome your comments on how we can improve it with a view to next year’s edition.

Finally, in a further effort to communicate who we are and what we do to as wide an audience as possible, this Annual Report is being published contemporaneously with the launch of the GLO’s first website. I invite you to visit it on www.gibraltarlawoffices.gov.gi where, among other information, you will find an electronic version of this Report.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to my colleague, Lloyd DeVincenzi, Head of the Office of Advisory Counsel, without whose participation publication of this Report would not have been possible.

<b>Launch of Government Law Offices’ Website</b>

The Government Law Offices have launched their new website which will carry the Attorney General's Annual Report and other important legal documents. It is hoped that this new website will become an important legal resource for everyone with an interest in this field.

The link to the new website is below:
