Leo Olivero

The GSD Opposition is without doubt a national disgrace and should resign en bloc from parliament. Who can the Opposition possibly represent except those politically mixed up few who follow a party that has lost its soul and its way. 

The GSD is a political party who is failing to safeguard Gibraltar’s national interest.

It is also a party that strives to seek power at any cost by attempting to make itself relevant by collaborating with those across the border who obviously, do not see British Gibraltar as the modern nation that we are but the unmovable 300-year colonial relic that many in Spain and nearby region still think we are - supported it seems by ‘Her Majesty’s Opposition in Gibraltar who lack political scruples and a moral compass.

Azopardi Twisted Truth

When Keith Azopardi on 30 November 2017 was controversially crowned GSD party leader, the opposition described how Azopardi since becoming leader had been engaged in restructuring the Party, broadening the participation in it, undertaking community outreach, developing policy rethink processes and overhauling the communications strategy.

Certainly, there is some twisted truth in Azopardi activities so far, especially where his outreach, policy thinking and communications strategy are concerned. Where it seems, he has done much work to broaden the opposition’s participation, particularly in Spain, unfortunately with those who do not have the best interest of Gibraltar or even a molecule of real neighbourly compassion in their demented brain like thoughts on Gib and its people.

It clearly appears, that part of the Opposition foreign communications strategy is to play local politics from across the border deep in anti-Gibraltar enemy territory. Reporting on Gibraltar and against the people’s government, alongside those who are affiliated to long time anti-Gibraltar detractors, who over many years have done their best to cause great harm to the Rock and its people.