Chief Minister expected to say in New Year message tonight

Despite it being an elect ion year and the recent results of the Panorama opinion poll giving his party: and the Liberals a commanding 31% lead over his nearest opposition, the Chief Minister is expected to rule out calling a general election before the 29th March. 

In his New Year message tonight, he is expected to say that, whatever partisan advantage he might enjoy by calling the election in the first quarter of the year is outweighed by the sense: of responsibility he feels in getting Brexit right for Gibraltar.


A Government spokesperson added: He is also expected to say that the Civil Service has grown by 20% under the GSLP Liberals since 2011, showing that it is nonsense for the GGCA to suggest that the Government are doing anything other than showing respect, support and commitment for the Civil Service and the Public Sector.

Mr Picardo will predict that the Budget will once again show very healthy public finances, but that restraint is required in this election year by the parties contesting the election, who should not allow their manifesto commitments to become an auction.

The Chief Minister will say he is firmly against austerity, however and that he is committed to maintaining spending on public services whilst rightly seeking maximum efficiency for the taxpayer spending, said the Government source.

On the issue of Brexit and Spain, the Chief Minister will praise the work of his Deputy, Joseph Garcia and his whole ministerial team as well as the key officials in his Government.

He will say that the team’s work has ensured Gibraltar is covered by any potential Withdrawal Agreement as well as being well prepared for the logistical challenges and potential opportunities of a “no deal” Brexit.


Mr Picardo is also expected to pour ice-cold water over any suggestion that there might be any mileage in any proposal by Spain to take any part of the sovereignty of Gibraltar, whether in response to threats or offers.

“Brexit changes nothing in this respect”, he is expected to say as he firmly rejects any suggestion of joint sovereignty or any cession whatsoever of sovereignty, jurisdiction or control.