Yesterday, children and parents at St Bernard’s Nursery enjoyed a special Billy Goats Gruff Challenge. This is very first challenge of its kind and is in conjunction with Book Week, resulting from the nursery’s focus on fairy tales. 

The whole Nursery was decorated for the occasion and featured a special bridge for the parents, students and staff to cross, just like in the fairy tale. The Nursery’s teachers were dressed in green costumes, as they were representing the troll, while the children were encouraged to dress as Billy Goats and were adorned in headpieces that they had coloured in themselves. The activity saw both parents and children work together to create their own models of the Billy Goats Gruff bridge.

Head Teacher Mrs Lopez, said ‘The Billy Goats Gruff challenge is the beginning of what we call our Project Based Learning Cycle that we’ve been carrying out throughout the whole school. We’ve just done one with reception with resilience and it’s a case of bringing the four C’s to the forefront.

The four C’s are Communication, Collaboration, Critical thinking and problem solving and Creativity and for us that is the fundamental basis of what the child need, to be able to thrive and prosper in life. So essentially this is an opportunity to bring the parents in to understand the way that we are supporting their children and their learning journey, by working one-to-one with their child in building a bridge to help the Billy Goats Gruff get across from one field to another to where the grass is greener.