Throughout this week, Governor’s Meadow First School opened its doors for the first time to host a special Parent and Child Reading Session, in conjunction with Book Week.

The school’s sports hall was converted into a library, with special reading mats, shelves of books and comfy chairs especially for the event which saw their students from Nursery age to Year 3 enjoy the company of their parents for half an hour during the school day. 

This event was organised by English co-ordinator Mrs Escumalha, who said ‘It all started when I did the research for this year’s World Book Day, looking for ideas of something different and innovative.

I found out that the theme for this year’s World Book Day was ‘Share a Story’ and that businesses, retailers, shops and communities in the UK were all asked to take part in this campaign; to share a story and to promote books and a love of reading. So I thought, “what if we at Governor’s Meadow do something to promote this campaign as well? We could ask a parent or loved one to come in to share a story with their child.

In a day of modern technology, the campaigners in the UK are trying to promote the fact that just ten minutes daily promotes a love of reading and skills that the children will have for life, to prepare them as avid readers. We in Governors Meadow want to promote that just ten minute slots of reading every day, at any time, are important to develop reading skills. We especially want to develop the school’s ethos of making the extended community part of our teaching and learning process.’