Local dancer, Amy Wink, 14, from Stylos Dance Studios, has won the international award for her talent and performances at the Sussex Festival of Dance and Song. Amy, who is also a member of the Gibraltar National Team, participated in the senior section of the ‘Sussex Dancer of the Year’. She performed two dance routines that were especially choreographed by Lilian and Lauren Montero. 

Director of M.O. Productions, Alfred Rumbo said: ‘Amy has once again been a great ambassador for Gibraltar, and we are delighted with her performances and the result. Her participation at this event has been very well received by festival organisers and everyone enjoying the festival.

'It has been an extraordinary educational experience and we look forward to furthering our relationship with the Sussex Festival and in hosting the winner of the Gibraltar Award at Sussex, Harvey Pearce in February 2020.’

M.O. Productions would like to thank Lilian and Lauren Montero who have supported Amy in this journey.