Voice of Young People says 'bullying' is top concern

Voice of Young People says 'bullying' is top concern

The Voice of Young People (VYP) have met with Ministers Linares and Cortes and Mrs Jackie Linares, Education Adviser from the Department of Education to discuss the outcome of the questionnaire launched recently by the group. The questionnaire’s main objective was to identify the main issues affecting young people today. Over 1,300 young people completed the questionnaire with the highest concern expressed being ‘Bullying’. 

The meeting enabled young people to have a voice and explore a variety of techniques and approaches to address their issues of concern. As a result, the group will shortly be meeting with the Department of Education to have an input on the policy and guidelines of “Preventing & Tackling Bullying” in schools.

During the meeting, there was also a request for Arabic to be taught in schools at GCSE level as pupils feel this language is more in keeping with part of our culture.

Overall, the meeting was informative and interactive with young people keen to have their views taken seriously and explored at the highest level. Due to the success of this initiative, it was agreed that a Questions and Answers session with the Ministers will be organised in the coming months. *Anyone wishing to get involved in the Voice of Young People please contact Caroline Dixon on 20041948.