Gibraltar police arrest master and chief officer of the supertanker Grace 1 over violation of EU sanctions

Gibraltar police arrest master and chief officer of the supertanker Grace 1 over violation of EU sanctions

As part of the ongoing investigation which led to the detention of the VCCL Grace 1 last week, the master and chief officer of the said vessel have been arrested today in relation to breaches of European Union Regulations 36/2012 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Syria. This follows a protracted search of the vessel where documents and electronic devices have been seized and examined, said a statement from the Royal Gibraltar Police. 

Police and Customs officers involved in the investigation of a suspected violation of these sanctions, are interviewing both men under caution at Police headquarters. Both have been accorded their legal entitlements and access to consular representation, the statement added.

The investigation is still on-going and the Grace 1 continues detained under the provisions of the Sanctions Regulations 2019 which are born out of the Sanctions Act 2019.