The number of Elected Members of the Gibraltar Parliament be increased from 17 to 25, says a motion from the Chief Minister, adding that the maximum number of votes that can be cast by an elector in elections to the Gibraltar Parliament be increased from 10 to 15. 

However, as there are conflicting views about the expansion of Parliament, the motion therefore proposes that the planned expansion be taken as a pilot project in order to test the effectiveness of that expansion during the lifetime of the next Parliament.

Together Gibraltar, for its part, notes with concern the recent publishing of a proposal bill to extend Parliament to include backbenchers under the guise of enhancing democracy. Party leader Marlene Hassan Nahon says she raised this months ago when parliamentary reform was first suggested 'and our position has always been that reform should take time, with a thorough consultation process and not be rushed through at the eleventh hour before and impending election.'


The Chief Minister gave notice on 5th August that he proposes to move the following motion at the next sitting of Parliament:

"This House:

NOTES that a Select Committee on Parliamentary Reform was originally established by the Gibraltar Parliament in June 2013 and was re-established after the 2015 general election;

RECALLS that the Select Committee on Parliamentary Reform has met on 15 November 2013, 13 December 2013, 4 February 2014 and 27 October 2014;

FURTHER RECALLS that in those meetings the main issue under consideration has been the enlargement of the Gibraltar Parliament from 17 to 25 Elected Members;

UNDERSTANDS that a general election, changes to the composition of the Committee and the demands of our proposed departure from the European Union delayed those discussions;

WELCOMES that the Select Committee reconvened on 9 May 2019 in order to continue and conclude the deliberations;

ACCEPTS the recommendations of the Select Committee:

(a) that the number of Elected Members of the Gibraltar Parliament be increased from 17 to 25;

(b) that the maximum number of votes that can be cast by an elector in elections to the Gibraltar Parliament be increased from 10 to 15;

FURTHER WELCOMES that the Chief Minister and the Leader of the Opposition have put forward this joint Motion in order to reflect the recommendations of the Select Committee which will commence the process to give effect to these changes before the next election to the Gibraltar Parliament:

AGREES that such legislative or other changes be undertaken to give effect to the above recommendations by the next election in the form of the attached Bill;

TAKES NOTE that there are conflicting views about the expansion of Parliament and therefore proposes that the expansion set out in this Motion and in the attached Bill be taken as a pilot project in order to test the effectiveness of that expansion during the lifetime of the next Parliament;

FURTHER AGREES that the recommendations of the Select Committee are an important step which would allow further changes to enhance the workings of Parliament and improve democracy and accountability in the interests of the people of Gibraltar;

AFFIRMS the recommendation of this House to its successor Parliament that the Select Committee on Parliamentary Reform should be re-established within two months after the next election and meet subsequently in a timely manner and at least monthly thereafter in order to carry out further reforms to its standing orders, practices and procedures taking into account the recommendations of the Commission on Democratic and Political Reform and any further recommendations that the Chief Minister and/or Leader of the Opposition or the Select Committee itself may make."