PANORAMA has been asking questions about issues concerning the recent power cut which have been left unanswered.

To one of our questions, we were told by No.6 Convent Place that the power cable was accidently damaged whilst a contractor was undertaking mechanical excavation works within the new comprehensive schools’ site. 

The cable damaged was a main high voltage interconnector running between the north and south districts power stations.

Luckily, power was restored in approximately 120 minutes.

Can it happen again? This was the answer: The problem could re-occur if this cable or ones similar were to be damaged in the future. After considerable investment by the present GSLP Liberal government in the electric infrastructure, in addition to the investment in the new power station and increased LNG generating capacity.

It is envisaged that these cables will be decommissioned soon as the old distribution network is in the process of being extensively renewed and replaced.