Brexit advice booklet launched

The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia has launched a booklet entitled “Preparing for a no deal Brexit – Get Ready”.

The booklet will be distributed to thousands of households all over Gibraltar this weekend. It is part of the Government’s communications strategy in respect of a No Deal Brexit which follows the opening of a Brexit Information Office on 1 October.

The booklet is divided into four sections. 

The first gives background information on Brexit and centres on the border. It explains the reasonable worst case scenario and the planning assumptions of the contingency planning team. It sets out that a hard border denotes a border that is operated by Spain in a manner that would make daily movement of persons and goods “abnormally disruptive”. It would be characterised by systematic severe delays both for pedestrians and vehicular traffic. Delays on pedestrians and private vehicles of two hours or more or delays of over six hours for commercial vehicles would constitute a hard border if applied consistently.

It is important to realise that this is a reasonable worst case scenario for planning purposes. It does not mean that it is going to happen, says the Government.

The booklet goes on to explain the potential issues that would arise in that context and throws some light on the mitigation measures that the planning teams had to draw up in response.

There is a flow chart which sets out the Brexit Command and Control Structure (C2) of the Government. The Brexit Strategic Group sits on top. This is chaired by the Deputy Chief Minister. The next one down is the Brexit Executive Group chaired by the Chief Secretary.