Leo Olivero

I was apparently premature in my Panorama report yesterday when I called for political unity and hopefully a change in parliamentary (political) or ‘punch and Judy’ style encounters especially now as we enter an important year ahead with Brexit to contend with. 

These comments borne after watching the first Question and Answer session of the new legislature, where members were again aggressively panting with saliva drooling tongues during the first Q&A exchanges, which they themselves all but admitted, that nothing was going to change in the dog-eat-dog world of local politics!

I have to admit I have never seen a dog-eat a-dog which I find as a very odd way to characterise anything. I don’t even know anyone who has. In fact as I understand it, this expression or idiom refers to a place or situation that is highly competitive. In a dog-eat-dog world, people will do whatever it takes to be successful, even if that means harming others, which is true in many respects regarding politicians generally. But also very much it seems where the local variety are concerned!

Consequently, I agree with Mark Twain that “I like a dog,” because dogs don’t exhibit unseemly politician-eat-politician behaviour!

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