*For over 40 years, PANORAMA has been dishing out Christmas gifts, making this column part of the Christmas tradition with many eagerly awaiting what’s in store for them in this season of goodwill... 

TO environment minister John Cortes: A flower pot.

TO Commander British Forces Tim Henry: The Order of the Bath, filled with British territorial waters, and NOT another Manifest.

TO Opposition member Daniel Feetham: The song 'I Had a Dream'.

TO business minister Vijay Daryanani: To onpass a message to Chamber directors to do their Christmas shopping in Gibraltar.

TO Governor and Commander in Chief Ed Davis: A large-size copy of the Constitution to ensure he doesn't lose sight of his responsibilities.

TO port minister Gilbert Licudi: A 4-year cruise around the world.

TO Opposition member Edwin Reyes: Retirement.

TO Opposition member Damon Bossino: A hundred lines, 'I Want to be Leader'.

TO Chief Minister Fabian Picardo: A pair of boxing gloves from Vox.

TO Commissioner of Police Ian McGrail: A Thank You card from the Guardia Civil.

TO economics minister Joe Bossano: A Memorandum of Understanding on the Chinese economy.

TO Opposition member Eliott Phillips: Who?

TO Health minister Paul Balban: A Get Well Card.

TO Deputy Chief Minister Joseph Garcia: Freedom of the City of Brussels.

TO Leader of the Opposition Keith Azopardi: To sing on a daily basis until the next election 'O Come All Ye Faithful'.

TO financial services minister Albert Isola: A map of the world for his travels.

TO Opposition member Marlene Hassan Nahon: A party to attract votes for all.

TO Opposition member Roy Clinton: Joe Bossano.

TO housing minister Steven Linares: Good luck from Samantha Sacramento.

TO equality minister Samantha Sacramento: Justice.