Joe Garcia
Sanchez win welcomed in Gibraltar, but all is not rosy on the rocky road ahead

For the first time in 80 years, there will be a coalition government in Spain after acting prime minister Pedro Sánchez narrowly obtained parliamentary approval for a deal between the socialist PSOE and the more Leftist Unidas Podemos whose leader Pablo Iglesias was seen with tears in his eyes as success was finally struck.

The Gibraltar Chief Minister Fabian Picardo lost no time in sending congratulations to Sanchez. It shows to what extent politicians in Gibraltar feared a win by the alternative Right-wing group which included the ultra right-wingers Vox and the Partido Popular.

It was a vicious and vitriolic investiture voting session, with accusations hurled in every direction.

The winning coalition favours the prospect of

a mutually beneficial deal with Gibraltar, as the PSOE do not want the thousands of Spanish workers who cross into Gibraltar daily having the kind of problems that could have ensued with a Right-wing government in Spain.

Talks between Gibraltar, the UK, Spain and the EU will take place next week, to formalise agreements already reached including a tax deal for Gibraltar.


The Party of European Socialists quickly welcomed the election of the leader of PSOE as prime minister of Spain, who will lead the new progressive coalition government of the country.

In a statement, they said: This is a great opportunity for the PES member party PSOE and its leader Pedro Sánchez to continue on their European path and their progressive agenda for the benefit of the Spanish people.

PES president Sergei Stanishev said: “I am glad that Pedro Sánchez and PSOE now have the opportunity to continue full speed on the progressive path they have been developing, which has been supported repeatedly by the majority of Spaniards.

"Pedro Sánchez already proved as prime minister and a caretaker prime minister lately that social justice, solidarity, equality and sustainability are his priority. Now, as prime minister of the new progressive coalition government, he will be doing even more for the good of the Spanish people.”

Sánchez and PSOE are focusing all their efforts in pulling the country out of the austerity nightmare imposed by right-wing led governments in Spain from 2011 until very recently. Sánchez will lead a progressive coalition government now that will tirelessly work for a more social, equal and sustainable Spain, that will foster a political dialogue within the framework of the Rule of Law to address the territorial challenges, he added.


As had been widely predicted, Sanchez won by 167 votes to 165, with 18 abstentions., ending nearly a year of political deadlock and inconclusive general elections.

However, all is not rosy on the electoral path ahead, as the Catalan independent left ERC have made demands for their crucial support to the coalition, while other small parties have a list of demands they expect to be fulfilled.

Catalan independence, or at least a referendum about it, is bound to feature strongly in the ERC's wish list.

Throughout the heated debates in parliament, which ended yesterday, the Catalan issue featured strongly, while Gibraltar escaped unscathed - although Gibraltar is bound to emerge on the rocky road ahead.


*The Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, has sent a letter of congratulation to Pedro Sanchez on being re-elected, after ‘a tortuous and fractious debate,’ as Prime Minister of Spain.

In his letter, Mr Picardo refers to the two men’s shared desire to look beyond ‘the eternal issue’ of sovereignty and he extends the hand of friendship on behalf of the people of Gibraltar.

He also offers his support for the promotion of ‘policies based on the principle of dialogue, understanding and co-operation between our respective people’.