Azopardi spells out where he stands

Joe Garcia
Azopardi spells out where he stands

The GSD has always been a centrist party made up of people who loosely could be categorised as of the centre-left and centre-right coming together to present a balanced programme that is protective

of our fundamental rights, financially prudent, fair and with social justice high up on our list of priorities.

People like Bernard Linares, Jaime Netto, Peter Montegriffo, Danny Feetham and myself could be classed as of the centre-left. Others like Peter Caruana, Joe Holliday, Hubert Corby or Damon Bossino I would say can be said to generally be placed in the centre-right.

The success of the Party has been built on that diversity and the ability to channel those thoughts positively in the interests of the community. What united us was a common reforming purpose – a desire to radically modernise Gibraltar and make it a fairer society, competitive and well-equipped to deal with economic, social or political challenges. We were always representative and in the team we have today and that we will build for 2023 everyone will see the renewed diversity, competence and united reforming desire of the Party. I consider myself as someone who is socially liberal, a progressive and reformer and a believer in the power of the free markets. I want to see fairness, social justice and equality at the heart of our programme.

I want to see a return of greater civic pride, economic responsibility, transparency and an end to public wastage. I want to see a reform of governance and institutions to ensure they work better and produce better decisions.

MORE in Panorama print edition.

17-01-2020 PANORAMAdailyGIBRALTAR.