‘Gibraltar for Yes’ will be launched this Saturday with the aim of highlighting the importance of voting Yes at the upcoming Abortion Referendum on the 19th March. The campaign is an alliance between No More Shame Gibraltar, Choice Gibraltar, Secular Humanist Society of Gibraltar and Feminist Gibraltar, all of which submitted responses to the Government’s Command Paper on Abortion in 2018. 

The campaign aims to explain to the public exactly what the proposed changes to the law will entail, by informing them of the restricted criteria and time frames that will apply to the access to abortion, in order to challenge misinformation and scaremongering. It will explain that this new legislation is necessary to put an end to the current tariff of life imprisonment for women having abortions on physical and mental health grounds up to the twelfth week of pregnancy, and bring Gibraltar in line with its international human rights and healthcare obligations, as befits a progressive democratic nation.