Careful con el fandango of the flags in the darkness of midnight, y nos quiten our Union Jack...

Que susto dear Cynthia, que nos quitan el flag when el Union Flag has always been my flag.

My dear Cloti, you've got the wrong end of the flagpole, what is coming down es el flag del EU porque we are no longer Europeo.

Que mal huele eso, pero make sure que no se equivoque nadie, porque cuando quiten el flag at midnight it will be very dark. 

Not only that dear Cloti, pero as far as I'm concerned, mientras no nos quiten Europa Point and Nuestra Virgencita de Europa, it's okay, porque el dormilon de Margallo is a bad cock and he wants it all, blimey.

Mi querido husband Johnny says he wants to go to the frontier to watch the fandango of the flags, pero we have not been told donde podemos aparcar el car, do you know?

I imaginate que we can park en el runway, porque at midnight there are no aeroplanes, but it's better to check with the police.

Lo que es un cachonfinger are the Spanish military flying over our airport, including los friends del Commissioner, el hellicopter of the Guardia Civil!

I had to hold back a mi Charlie porque queria ir a Barajas con su toy aircraft to make a protest.

Cynthia mia, safety above all, that is what I say.

Y algunos Espanish think que el Brexit es culpa nuestra because it might affect them.

Que se quejen a los de la Moncloa or Brussels, cuando nosotros no partimos ni un plate.

Y ahora vienen los de Podemos con la Teresa to meet the Chief Minestra.

I must say that is a British Gibraltarian name, la Teresa May remember? A lo mejor nos quieren quitar our names too!

You can never tell, before they would blame Franco for everything, y ahora el Franco de La Linea wants joint use of our airport, how about that!

A lo mejor that's why they have made an invasion of our airspace con sus aeroplanos, y el Chief Minestra no levanta ni un finger. Take care, my dear.

And you, too, turulu.