The coronavirus fever is spreading to Gibraltar, with some incidents causing alarm.

There was a young man who arrived by air and went across to La Linea. He attended hospital there, but people here were concerned about his having arrived here by air. Telephones kept ringing with one person telling the other about it, and the word spread. In the end no virus was detected on this person. 

Last Friday, PANORAMA was alerted by someone who was in hospital when people were evacuated. The virus!

We asked the Government about it, and got the following answer: "As part of the GHA’s coronavirus planning, the Primary Care Centre carried out an exercise where they simulated the closure of the PCC and the transfer of services to telephone triage. Up to 20 lines were opened up to enable GPs to receive patient calls. The PCC would only be closed in exceptional circumstances.

And that's the situation, as more countries are getting the virus. And those masks are being sold out."

After flying in a 15 hour flight from Singapore and a 3 hour flight to Gibraltar,I would liIke to thank the person /s in the GHA for organizing our transport home from the airport to our home in a Gibraltar Government H.M prison van used for transport of prison inmates in two separate sealed ,window less cubicles one for my wife and one for me.Very humiliating experience which I hope no one else will experience. We were kept waiting in the arrival hall for well over 2 hours as no knew about our transport arrangements.My family was informed through the GHA hotline not to use public transport or taxis. Please GHA, Government and Civil Contingency Council don’t let anyone else go through this horrible experience. We are now on a self imposed two week isolation period, said Varian Garro.