Leo Olivero


Personally, I have struggled what to think of the Coronavirus generally. It has also caused fierce debate around the world, including from a growing number back here on the Rock.

Many people feel there is no cause to panic, how the Covid-19 is making daily headlines around the world. In fact, these same people, believe there is no reason to get overly excited about it and are convinced the virus resembles the flu as the flu attacks millions of people annually. Similarly, to the local outbreak last December/January, many are convinced it was a mini Covid epidemic!

An Over Indulgence of Fear Passed Down

The Covid excitement has driven half the world to anxiety because basically, it’s something new. It’s a new twist on an old bug, just like swine flu or any new strain of something that pulls us down and makes us ill.

Much of the mainstream media, helped along by our own politicians and certain medical professionals, are probably mostly to blame, for the over indulgence of fear being pushed into our heads!

This is not to say there is no reason for concern. Coronavirus has more than proven to be a deadly disease, especially in the oldest and youngest bodies. Because of that, close attention has to be payed to what’s happening elsewhere and take every precaution, which Gibraltar has, we were informed, did.

The worst thing any of us could have done was to jump on the still rapidly growing panic bandwagon and allow it to continue, to run out of control until it crashes.

Covid Back-Slapping Self-Appreciation Society

From the onset, I’ve held some serious reservations. From the starting point of having to be convinced it was a real pandemic, which we now know it is, to the more critical thoughts of ‘overreaction’ to the pandemic. But now, including how politicians and politics are now using the pandemic for their own political ends or means, creating a (false) sense of fear and panic among the weaker in society. Thus, creating, and cleverly inventing a far less questionable or insightful society, or one, that willingly acknowledges every political instruction and command, with few or no questions asked. Including the Covid back-slapping, self-appreciation society, cleverly created, marches on!!!

This is not say the government’s drastic efforts and containment measures were not necessary; the containment measures were sincere efforts to help and save the people of Gibraltar.

Impossible to Question or Evaluate Effectiveness of Governments Measures and Planning

It is impossible to question or evaluate the effectiveness of Government measures and planning processes used. It is obvious the general lockdown decision worked, but only because of the efforts made by the entire nation. But as I have reported previously, there has been countless other decisions taken behind closed doors, deep inside a bunker at 6 Convent Place, where no one knows or is privy, except those involved, how the fate of the nation was and is being decided, on a daily basis?

Because of our good fortune, and the fact, that luckily, the virus has (so far) largely passed over our heads (may it continue that way) no one will probably ever know or can say with any certainty, if the many millions spent so far on equipment; resources; erecting make-shift hospitals; increasing existing bed capacity; and countless other millions towards financial payments to employees, workers and all the rest… was ultimately the right decision? Bearing in mind again that having spent all this money, none of what has been put in place, will be put to the test, in a real live Covid scenario I mean, because again luckily, Gibraltar hasn’t had a real live health scenario, as those witnessed elsewhere!

In a fully functioning democracy like ours, ‘WE NEED AND MUST DEMAND ANSWERS’ that only a public inquiry into the government response to Covid-19 can provide!

There are many questions, from a local perspective, about what happened, the responsibility for preparedness, the quality of response and generally about all government decisions. Crucially, what lessons need to be learned, if this infection was to double down and even worse, remerge in the future?

Political Public Inquiries Are Very Rare and Not a Gibraltar Political In-Thing to do!

While public inquiries, from a Gibraltar perspective, are very rare and not a political in-thing to embark on. This, is an historical event wholly merits a public inquiry into the Covid-19 crisis. An inquiry, which should focus, not so much on a particular government decision, but on the competency with which a specific risk was managed. A rushed or botched Covid-19 inquiry could lead to a situation, which muddy the waters and leave conclusions, either permanently open to challenge or, just as serious, arrives years too late for recommendations to be implemented in time for a potentially future pandemic or another crisis event!