Questions on pandemic and road closures as Parliament prepares to re-open

Questions on pandemic and road closures as Parliament prepares to re-open

Parliament meets for the first time since March on 28 May. The GSD says it has tabled a number of questions on diverse fields in connection with the public health emergency and the economic management of the crisis as well as other important non-COVID questions.

Leader of the Opposition Keith Azopardi has questions on contact tracing, tests, the proposed reopening of restaurants, how mental well-being issues caused by prolonged isolation will be tackled, the proposed UK 14-day quarantine law and disability issues stemming from the management of the pandemic.


In his responsibility for civil contingencies and employment Daniel Feetham will be asking a number of questions related to the COVID19 testing programme, swabs and reagents as well as questions on the current BEAT Employment measures and support for employees and business after 1 June and 1 July. He also has questions arising from the maritime collision in our waters on 8 March.

Environment & Health Shadow Elliott Phillips will ask about the contract procurement of PPE, PPE quality assurance, hospital X-Ray and MRI equipment, the proposed road closures, the Line Wall Road scheme, anti-pollution measures, parking fees, air quality monitoring and cycling among other questions.