Many issues of great concern in mental health provision

In response to the Mental Health Board report, Gibraltar Mental Welfare Society says it has had a chance to read the 2018/2019 report submitted by the Mental Health Board. For those who might not be aware of it, this Board is charged with satisfying itself “as to the state of the Ocean Views facility, the Community Mental Health facility (CHMT), their administration and their treatment of patients.”

Many issues are raised in the report which are of great concern to the GMWS. The report points out a number of flaws in the system and makes the overall comment that “there is an increasing and vital need to establish an overall cohesive strategy for mental health”. This is something which resonates with the GMWS which has been making this point for several years.

The flaws picked up by the Board cover a wide variety of issues, ranging from inefficiencies in the administrative system, to breaches of human rights in the detention of some patients. Some examples follow:

A lack of adequate clerical support in both OV and CHMT, resulting in long delays and inefficient processing of data;

The lack of the regular attendance of a pharmacist, which increases the risk of prescribing error;

Section papers and Consent to Treatment Certificates inspected were found wanting;

Serious concern about the monitoring of Lithium; (in contrast to the ‘well-run Clozapine clinic’)

No regular, programmed GP visits result in otherwise unnecessary visits to the Primary Care Centre, necessitating staff accompaniment and reducing ward staff availability to ensure that other patients have access to the activities they’re entitled to; no regular visits from GP means some patients might not receive adequate medical care;

Lack of effective Discharge and Care programmes;

Too many patients “receiving a surprising number of drugs”;

Lack of necessary budget to cover ARC activities and outings, accompanying staff at times having to pay for patients’ coffees etc out of their own pocket;

Rehabilitation flats in OV and in Kent House are not functioning as they should because there is not the necessary staff support available.