The Ombudsman provides an important check on Government departments and other providers of public services


Public Services Ombudsman

*This is from the Public Services Ombudsman’s 20th Annual Report.

It is his final report before stepping down as Public Services Ombudsman at the end of his term of office on 26 June 2020.

As I mentioned in my previous Annual Reports, the Ombudsman’s work has developed significantly over the years and the Ombudsman’s Office is now firmly established as an institution in Gibraltar that provides an important check on Government departments and other providers of public services.

The impartiality and independence of the Ombudsman’s Office ensures that the public is provided with an effective mechanism for highlighting and dealing with any maladministration or injustices caused. The service provided by the Ombudsman is free of charge. It is an important service without which many people in our community would have little opportunity to obtain redress or understanding of their grievances against the public administration.

I am delighted that so many people in our community make use of the service provided by the Ombudsman’s Office. The team at the Ombudsman’s Office is open to the public on a daily basis. We are here to assist members of our community with any difficulties that they may have with the services provided by Government departments and other public service providers.

The issues that are highlighted by members of the public, in this respect, also help in identifying areas where there is mal-administration. This enables the Ombudsman to recommend any changes that may be required to systems and procedures by providers of public services and to improve their service to the public. The recommendations made by the Ombudsman are normally respected and followed by Government departments and public service providers.