PANORAMA reporter

by PANORAMA reporter

There are road works here, there and everywhere, eliciting the prospect of road danger and unnecessary traffic chaos.

Europa Road is a main and busy thoroughfare as everyone knows, yet traffic lights and other contraptions have gone up opposite the stretch of road by the old casino. Is this not a gamble?

Not only that, but the many road users are asking why have such problems been inflicted on them when going up or down that stretch of road.

Nobody knows why such interference with traffic has been considered necessary all day long, when nothing is seen to exit from the construction works there.

So, what is going on?

And this is not the only road works causing road dangers. Over at Queensway, by the curve opposite the never-ending boulevard works, all kinds of contraptions have appeared which are more dangerous that those elsewhere.

This area is waiting for an accident to happen, unlike the Euopa Road works which is well controlled by traffic lights and manually.

Are the traffic authorities satisfied with the mess that motorists must put up with on a daily basis and the prospect of accidents ensuing.

And there are other road works elsewhere in Gibraltar which also require looking into. Does anybody care?