Opening of schools welcomed, with consultation

The announcement that a reopening of schools is programmed for September is welcome but this should be done in partnership with teachers. As such the GSD is surprised that the teachers union NASUWT has stated that it has sought information for some time and not been consulted on the announcement.

It goes without saying that the reopening of schools or dealing with the impact of COVID 19 cannot be done properly without the involvement of teachers, the Union and full information to parents and students.

Additionally, there needs to be full involvement of teachers in the planning for a partial or complete closure of a school or worse still a second lockdown. The Government needs to plan for these contingencies now that they are foreseeable possibilities. This must not only cover the public health needs but also ensure the roll-out of emergency online learning to students of a quality commensurate with the teaching they would be missing.

The party adds: When the pandemic struck earlier this year it was understandable that teaching authorities were caught unawares worldwide and that provision of substitute learning was patchy. But the Government will now have had a full 6 months of planning so in the event of a future partial or complete closure of a school our students should not suffer and be provided with equivalent learning delivered online by teachers.