*Action group holding daily meetings

Following the gradual increase in positive cases of COVID-19, the COVID-19 Strategic Coordinating Group, chaired by the Minister with responsibility for Civil Contingencies Samantha Sacramento , has been meeting on a daily basis since Sunday.

Platinum, chaired by the Chief Minister, has been meeting informally daily since Monday.

In light of developments, and in order to continue to contain the situation in Gibraltar, public safety measures will be enhanced.

With effect from 00:00 on Friday 21st August, the following changes will come into force:

• Compulsory wearing of masks in retail areas. This extends the already compulsory wearing of masks by staff in shops to all members of the public that enter retail premises. Breaches will be enforced by a fixed penalty notice. Exceptions will apply to people with disabilities or mental illness or in emergency situations.

The law will not apply to children under the age of 11, although they are encouraged to do so.

Contact tracing shows that the principal risk at the moment is presented because of the way that people socialise and because they are not keeping to gatherings of less than 20 nor maintaining social distancing. Because of this, conditions in relation to bars and restaurants will be tightened further.

• Curfew at bars and restaurants will be brought forward by an hour. At present, restaurants and bars must shut at 2:00am with last orders at 1:30am. As from this Friday, last orders will be at 12:30am and bars must be shut by 1:00am.

• Bars and restaurants operate on the basis of a permit issued by the Director of Public Health.

These permits are subject to conditions, which are designed to keep risk to a minimum. Any premises found not to be complying with the conditions risks the permit being suspended.

As from Friday, any bar or restaurant found to be breaching the conditions will also be subject to a fixed penalty notice, that is, an on the spot fine. Additionally, any restaurant that is found to be in breach three times within a period of fourteen days will have their permit revoked and will be required to reapply.