Any proposals that emerge from the ongoing post-BREXIT talks between Spain, Britain, Gibraltar and the EU that in any way directly or indirectly affects our political or constitutional status should be put to a referendum of the people of Gibraltar before any Treaty is entered into, says the GSD.

They add: We should have no repetition of the Tax Treaty where a controversial agreement was entered into which was harmful and intrusive without even Parliament being consulted on the text beforehand and in breach of previous assurances by Government.

Equally and ahead of that there should be no agreement of principles entered into that detrimentally affects our sovereignty, jurisdiction and control of our land or waters.

Any final agreements reached should be safe for Gibraltar, respect our fundamental rights, our separate identity as a people and be enforceable so that we are assured that if the people of Gibraltar back such an agreement in a referendum we have guarantees that it will be recognised and carried out.

We are clear in the GSD that our sovereignty is not up for negotiation and that, if it is necessary to walk away from those talks or no agreement is possible, our community will withstand any period of adversity and emerge stronger as it has before.

The post-BREXIT talks provide an opportunity for achieving a new, positive and permanent relationship with the EU but the path is fraught with danger. We have previously made clear that Gibraltar should be ambitious but be alive to the risks involved. In his interview with the Gibraltar Chronicle the Chief Minister has openly acknowledged those dangers.

Three months ago when the new Governor was sworn in the Leader of the Opposition Keith Azopardi set out the GSD’s position on the talks by saying: “The need to now negotiate a new relationship with the European Union is……, an opportunity to see a recalibration of the dynamics between this micro-territory and both the EU and our neighbour. In respect of the latter much remains to be seen but we hope that the chance is taken by Spain to accept a respectful modern European relationship with Gibraltar.