The GHA wishes to clarify any misunderstanding that PCC is closed to the public or that all staff are not at work.
The GHA wishes to use this opportunity to explain how the GP appointment system is continuing to work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

There are two main ways of making a GP appointment but the pandemic is definitely placing extra pressures on the system and so there may be delays for those wishing to make their appointment.
The most straightforward way is by using the MyGHA Automatic Telephone Booking System. On this system, appointments for a telephone conversation with a GP can be made by calling on 20007007. Appointments for the following day become available each evening at 6pm. Further details of the system can be found at
For those who may not have access to the internet, appointments may be made using the traditional On–the-Day telephone system. To make an On-the-Day telephone booking, it is necessary to call 20052441. This phone line opens at 8:15am.
In order to respect social distancing and to minimise the risk of cross-infection in waiting areas, these GP appointments will consist of either Face to Face (which require prior triage) or telephone consultation with a doctor. A face-to-face appointment, if deemed necessary after the initial telephone conversation, will be provided by the GP.

For those who are unable to get a morning appointment, there is an evening clinic. Telephone appointments at this clinic can be made by calling 200052441 from 4:30pm – 7pm.

Appointments for the Saturday and Sunday clinics can be made on the day by calling 20052441

At the moment, it is not possible for a patient to make advanced appointments.

Members of the public are also reminded of other useful contact details:
• For anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19: call 111
• For repeat prescriptions: 20007909 or
• For sick notes: 20007888