WOMAN OF THE WEEK - From a very early age - IN LOVE WITH BAKING

Tell us a bit about yourself
I can say that what I am doing now is defining what I have always wanted to do which was do something I enjoy, something that makes me happy and something that makes me feel that I’m not actually going to work. When you do something you love you never work a day in your life. 

So many people spend so much of their time thinking about their retirement or what they are going to do at the weekends or on a bank holiday. You can’t live just for those things. The aim is to live a life and not just wish it away. That has always been my philosophy. What’s happening now is people keep telling me ‘oh you get to do what you love and bake all day’ but my actual love is the business. The baking is part of my passion and it was a vehicle towards my passion.