Why do breakups feel so physically and emotionally painful? Your world fees like it has come to an end or you have just become the road kill of life they leaves us feeling numb and hurt.

Is there a scientific side to what we experience and how it makes us feel?
When you hear those words ‘we need to talk,’ most people know what is coming next. Having someone as part of your life especially for a long period of time could make you feel like it’s unimaginable to see your life as a singleton once again. Heartbreak has been described as one of the most emotionally and physically painful experiences that we go through. Studies have shown that it activates the same portion of the brain that social (emotional pain) and physical pain share, using the same neural pathways.
In 2013 a study was conducted to look into social loss. It shows that when 40 people were asked to look at photos of their exes the portion of their brains that lit up was the section dealing with physical pain.
Pain is almost a way of the body reacting to prevent detrimental consequences of our social separation. There are theories that people who are sensitive to physical pain are also as sensitive to emotional pain.