El wee walkout from the Paloment que parecia un Christmas pantomime

Caramba, con mi Juan asking me if it was Christmas, would you believe it?!
Lo que pasa con tu Johnny is that he knows nothing about el politiqueo, my dear Cloti. Y es capaz salir por la via de Tarifa, if you know what I mean.

Cynthia mia, we cannot all be unos senecas, mi Juan me lo pregunta porque se entero that there had been un walkout del Paloment, y se creyo que era un Christmas pantomime, comprende?
Yes Cloti, I do understand, porque esto de walking out of Parliament at a leisurely pace, looked like a cachonfinger, I must say.
I imaginate que para tu Charlie ni fu ni fa, porque he spends the days pescando and everything else is water down the drain.
Never better said, my dear, porque el drain que explosiono en Europa Road last week, was not a cachonfinger.
Digo que no, I know from good ink que eso parecia un river, all the dirty, brown water, a la ligera down the road, y todavia no one has said what went wrong, as if tax payers money from down the drain no tiene importancia. Los workmen were up the road, digging a hole mas grande que un coche.