Programmes which must rank as among the worst television products ever made

The scandal of GBC - Part 4

Then there was ‘(Mis)Understanding Gibraltar’ where a panel of mainly non-Gibraltarians pontificated and patronised us with their platitudes, clueless cliches and prosaicisms, individuals with strange accents theorising about tolerance, about identity, about nationhood and how all of this relates to what it means to be Gibraltarian.

Let us recover the Register of Gibraltarians. The political party that retrieves that document from the undeserved oblivion under which it languishes, will forever have my gratitude and vote!
This is in some respects even worse than The Hub, because at least the latter is conscious of its own cultural worthlessness, whereas this overload of bunkum is impregnated with sinister and utterly transparent pseudo-intellectual pretensions. It should be renamed understanding narcolepsy and be marketed as a miracle cure for insomnia.
There are those which must rank as among the worst television products ever made. Programmes like Viral TV, a collection of the stupidest YouTube videos on internet, probably breach every broadcasting code of conduct given the subject matter, dangerous domestic accidents, accidents at work, people slipping in pavements, crashing, falling down stairs or headfirst into walls, risking life and limb.