How can pavements help reduce climate change?

This year tests have been conducted to see what areas of construction can be changed to help our greenhouse gas infused world.

What if there was a way to change how we create pavements so that it would reduce the hazardous effects they would produce normally? The key with creating the change needed is by using specific paving materials. The research shows that this change could reduce the amount of emissions by 3% over fifty years. This might not seem like a huge number but when you add up all of the pavements that could be changed it would really make a difference!
In America pavements make up around 40% of the surface area. In the United Kingdom we see a 20% average of pavements. This makes this new discovery an easy and sure fire way to help our planet with change. These greenhouse gases combined with all of the emissions that the traffic gives off every day posses a really problem for the governments of the world aiming for a zero carbon footprint in future.