Full text of a speech delivered by SDGG Chairman, Richard Buttigeig

Good afternoon Madame Chair and members of the Committee.
I thank you for the opportunity to address you all.
I appear before you today as the Chairperson of the Self Determination for Gibraltar Group. As our name suggests, we are a group that stands for the right of the people of Gibraltar to choose their own future.

The Kingdom of Spain argues that we should not have that right to self-determination and maintain an outdated and anachronistic claim over the sovereignty of our land.
Why does the United Nations play lip service to such a stance?
We are now more than 30 years into the so called ‘last decade of decolonisation’ proclaimed by the United Nations. Yet,Gibraltar still finds itself having to appear before forums such as this one, year after year,to advocate its right to self-determination and to seek its removal from the United Nations’ list of colonies.
We believe we should not be on that list. The Gibraltar 2006 Constitution provides us with a level of self-governance that is not akin to that of a colony. If you are not sure about this, send a visiting mission and come and see for yourselves. If we have not done enough, tell us what else must be done for the Committee to recommend our removal.