UK nationals face problems driving in Spain

UK nationals face problems driving in Spain

In a seemingly draconian measure, UK expats resident in Spain have been banned from driving or risk a fine, if caught, because their driving licences are no longer valid in Spain. This follows the departure of the UK from the European Union and the expiry of different deadlines which provided for automatic licence exchange thereafter. The fines can be as high as 500 euros.

Tens of thousands of British residents in the Spanish Costa’s and elsewhere no longer enjoy the right to drive on Spanish roads with their UK licences. The position now is that such a category of persons will need to sit a driving test in Spain and aquire a Spanish licence in order to continue driving there. This has had an impact on the lives of many ordinary people, a large number of whom are elderly pensioners who had decided to retire in Spain. Some of these drivers are even long term residents who have lived there for years. The UK press is full of cases of hardship where elderly couples have been afraid to use their cars for essentials like buying food or going to medical appointments in case they are caught and fined.