Gibraltar Day on Halloween delivers message of stability

Gibraltar Day on Halloween delivers message of stability

The scary days of the pandemic behind us, guests gathered on Halloween night for a celebration of Gibraltar Day in London.

The upbeat message was that there was no need to be afraid of witches and sorcerers because the Rock remained a solid bastion for good in a world enshrouded by instability and upheaval.
The mood was upbeat and the cobwebs were clearly swept away. Even the evil darkness that coveted the Rock by fair or foul means and had been waiting to pounce on it for centuries, was now working with Gibraltar in order to secure a treaty on the future relationship with the European Union. How times have changed! One time enemies had become friends now and opponents had almost become allies. There was hope too. A shining new light had replaced that evil darkness - though nobody could guarantee quite how strongly this would shine or how long it would last.