Gibraltar air terminal
Gibraltar air terminal

The airport is a political hot potato and Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares is wrong to have put it on the agenda of the treaty negotiations. This was not conclusively resolved during our time in the European Union and it is even less likely to be resolved now.

In taking this position, Mr Albares has done no favours to the many thousands of Spanish workers and residents of Spain who depend on Gibraltar to make a living. The latest official figures show 15,439 frontier workers employed in Gibraltar, of whom 10,438 are Spanish citizens. Their livelihood is exactly what Mr Albares has been risking by playing politics with the treaty. In addition to this, also at risk are the tens of millions of pounds spent by citizens and businesses from Gibraltar in Spain.
The Governor, Vice Admiral Sir David Steel told “The Times” last week that the Spanish “have asked for a regulatory framework over the management of the airport which implies Spanish jurisdiction, which is not something that Gibraltar can tolerate.”