06/12/2018 - 11:47
His eagerness to get a good Brexit deal for Gibraltar has blurred the better vision of the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo, by urging MPs to vote for the deal secured by Prime Minister Theresa May and thus taking sides in a deeply divided British Parliament. This is the last thing a Gibraltar chief minister should do, because our friends and supporters in Parliament come from all political parties, some of whom, whether rightly or wrongly, are bitterly opposed to the May deal.
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06/12/2018 - 11:45
At the start of the five-day withdrawal debate proper, Theresa May in her opening intervention again made reference to Gibraltar referring to the EU Summit, she said, “right at the end, when Spain tried to make a move on Gibraltar, I stood firm and protected Gibraltar’s sovereignty. That is why the Chief Minister of Gibraltar has said that no friend of Gibraltar should vote this deal down”. Read more
06/12/2018 - 11:43
The Government has published a Command Paper to amend the Parliament Act in order to provide for an open register of electors. This will be presented to Parliament by the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia.
The legislation in respect of the compilation of registers of electors in Gibraltar dates back in part to the 1950s. The procedure until now is that a canvass takes place door to door and a draft register of electors is produced. Read more
06/12/2018 - 11:41
Squeals of delight fill the air as we approach John Macintosh Square; one of the highlights of the Christmas season for the little ones is the, now customary, fair at the Piazza. Read more
06/12/2018 - 11:38
With the beginning of Advent, local schools have begun their traditional series of Christmas concerts at St Theresa’s Church. Read more
05/12/2018 - 11:46
The Government says it has been closely monitoring developments worldwide, and particularly within Europe, in relation to the recent proliferation of personal electric transporters, especially electric scooters. The appearance of this technology on roads, public areas and pavements has seen countries, cities and municipalities grappling to understand and, indeed, decide how to legislate and regulate for these devices. Read more
05/12/2018 - 11:35
Over 250 residential parking spaces for sale.
The Government has advertised the sale of over 250 parking spaces under Notre Dame/St Anne’s Schools and the new Comprehensive Schools.
There will be 100 spaces under the former and 158 under the latter. Read more
05/12/2018 - 11:34
In its interim report 1 January to 30 September 2018, Sunborn Gibraltar Ltd says its income and operating costs were in line with budget and forecast. On the operating side challenging market conditions continue to prevail in Q3 2018 with lower flight arrivals and Brexit anticipation.
"Many client companies seem to be holding spending decisions in anticipation of various Brexit related decisions forthcoming still this year," it says. Read more
05/12/2018 - 11:30
On Sunday Spain, unsurprisingly, became the latest European nation to make a far-right surge joining the extreme right wing political movements sweeping through Europe over the past few years.
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05/12/2018 - 11:27
From Carmen Gomez Diary
Once the UK is out of the way, Pedro Sanchez hopes that the EU will swing behind its 300 years old claim to recover sovereignty over the Rock. But his particular flirting with foreign policy has left those in Brussels uneasy. His last minute daredevilry, regarded by all as domestic political policy, should not in their view, have put into jeopardy a 3 hour choreographed morning; they were not impressed. Read more