Mini Basketball Funday: WOW!

Mini Basketball Funday: WOW!

As part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Breast Cancer Support Gibraltar were invited to attend GABBA's Mini Basketball Funday and Wow! What an afternoon of fun and laughter we had. 

A huge thank you goes to Jason McMahon who has once again organised this charity event in aid of our Charity.

Lovely bunch of girls and boys ages 6 - 12 took part in the event showcasing their skills and basketball teqniques.

The Charity adds that they would also like to thank John Gonzalez (GABBA President) and Mayor Kaianne Aldorino-Lopez who also took part in the event and managed to surprise us all by scoring a super basket for the parents team.

A total of £230 was raised on the day and GABBA's president has kindly topped it up to a whooping £500.00.

Thank you all for supporting our charity once again.