More pro-Gibraltarian que los monos del monte

Caramba, que semana de sustos, como que a mi Johnny hasta se le ha caido el poco pelo que tenia.

My dear Cloti, take it easy, or don't you know that in the end we always win.

Ya lo se, Cynthia mia, we are blessed. Pero que dijera Santa Teresita que it was not an incursion when ships were even being ordered out of our British Forever Waters, eso fue el colmo. 

To tell you the truth, mi Charlie says we should stop calling them incursions and call them by their proper name - invasions of our British waters.

Claro que si, dirle que se presente in the next hellections and I will vote for him, Cynthia dear, porque we need people que llamen a las cosas by their name.

Mind you, la Santa Teresita dijo lo que dijo, pero who told her que there was no invasion?

My dear, it could only have come from a non Gibraltarian temporary resident in our Gibraltar, por ejemplo some unit of the MOD which appear to have gone mad, if you ask my husband.

If you ask me, I don't think it was el Governator porque este a lo callao es more pro-Gibraltarian que los monos del monte.

Que graciosa que eres, Cloti dear, pero los que estan mad del todo are the Espanish ministrones, como el que dijo que los barcos in British waters, which they call Espanish, had broken maritime law porque estaban quieto!

What a carry on, my dear, esto es el cachonfinger mas gordo that I have heard.

Oh dear, dear me, and they want us to be Espanish, para que se nos pegue la enfermedad de estar estancao.

Bueno y el Brexit es mucho Brexit, do you think que el UK is getting anywhere?

El que sabe de eso is my darling husband, el dice, en plan ingles, que all is well that ends well

Bueno you will have heard que los diplomatico of Espain are threatening turning the screws on us, es que se enfadan por nada, don't you agree.

Digo que si, un dia parecen los buenos de la pelicula and the next nos quieren tirar los tiestos, my dear.

Es que nos tienen mucha envidia, I mean, look at our economy, la tercera mejor del mundo, y ellos with emore unemployment que nunca.

Bueno, bueno, que no sea nada lo del incursion porque otherwise no duemo tranquila, querida mia.

That's what I say, my dear, all guns at the ready and kick por si pega. Cheerio!