NEEDED: A Healthy Opposition as much as Good Governance

Leo Olivero

At the moment there is much political blindness out there and not all for the right reasons, which is disturbing. In fact, I had a taste of it last week when I penned the report about Spanish workers had taken over directing local traffic, this upset two senior party members of one party. 

The above is more by way of a preamble to this report, because I know I am now entering once again, a period which is a real minefield in local politics. I also know, some apologists or call them defenders on both sides of the political divide with their inevitably jaundiced views will find my comments and criticisms unwelcome!

Let me also say that politically, my heart beats on the left. This makes it easy for me to comment on Gibraltar politics since both the GSLP/Liberals and the GSD today broadly espouse the same social democratic values and policies. I am therefore comfortable with both, although I am yet to fathom out the new political party on the block.

The Opposition Still Finding Itself

Where the official opposition is concerned, and whether they like it or not, ‘one man’s personal, thwarted ambitions has caused an implosion in the party’, leading to huge disaffection. A recent example was the poor turn-out a few weeks back when the GSD held a ‘everyone is welcome public meeting’. As much as some naïve and inexperienced young opposition executive members wanted to inflate attendance figures...a photo does not lie and neither do people who attended who do not have to follow any party line in counting attendance on the night numbers!

One thing is for sure; the electorate does not like to be governed by a disunited party. Parties that are not united rarely win elections. This was reflected in the last poll, which showed a commanding lead for the GSLP/Liberals. It is this disunity, compounded by huge dissatisfaction with certain issues that most affect people directly that led to meltdown for the Opposition... as much as they like to hide it!

Government Needs to Ensure its Garden Blooms and Smells of Roses!

Where it concerns the Government, its not all completely rosy in the garden either. Those that get out and talk to people from all sides would know there are quite a few who believe ‘there is an underlying wish for change’. There is a sense, rightly or wrongly that this government has been around for too long.

There is also a certain perception of arrogance and distance from ordinary members of society. The Government must ensure that the rose garden mentioned is in full bloom at the appropriate time and actually smelling of roses. At this stage, there is no reason to doubt this will not be the case. ‘Time is a Social Construct’ as the saying goes.

If I’m honest and frank which I usually am, I can relate to the latter comment, because if political parties have conducted their own political environmental scan they would know who are the weak-links presently holding a seat in parliament, as well as those liable to lose the team some valuable votes. Not every minister or Member of Parliament is popular or is considered by the public of having done a great job. Character and not job performance also comes into play with some, these points decide the fate of political figures wanting or hoping for another run for parliament.