Who are affected in the ‘positive cases’ league?

by PANORAMA reporter

From two positive cases, it has shot up to the twenties, and people wonder what's what.

Latterly, they have broken the results into Gibraltar residents and frontier workers, so that helps in determining where the problem lies.

Initially, it was the frontier workers who shot up, but of late they have remained somewhat static at seven.

And at the weekend there were 14 Gibraltar residents in the positive cases league.

So, we asked the relevant authorities the question: who makes up the Gibraltar residents?

One would have thought over-70s would be there,as such have been regarded as the most vulnerable.

But surprise, surprise, of the 14 local cases none were over 70s or in care homes.

Came the official reply: They are all people in our working population who have tested positive in our Frontline Targeted and Systematic sampling.

If frontline workers are threatened, then the samplers should concentrate in such areas.

Because what is the point of wasting time and effort in other areas?

It is the same as with the antibodies, why waste time having the whole population tested? It is as if they don't know what they are doing, and they test nilly-willy.

Not only that but in England the first batch of antibodies, millions of them, had to be disposed of because they were not reliable.

Given such circumstances, why have we been rushed to get antibodies before anyone else, as if some people wanted to be top of the list - what for?

Surely a small place like Gibraltar should wait and see what were the results in larger countries where millions of antibodies would circulate, and little Gibraltar could then move in when it was absolutely safe to do so.

So, what game are some people engaged in? And why should they be allowed to get away with it?