Labour support for Gibraltar means no hope for Spain

Labour support for Gibraltar means no hope for Spain

The 2002 shared sovereignty fracas is one of those black legends of this Rock’s turbulent history. It is the reason why Gibraltarians do not have fond memories of the UK Labour Party from the last time they were in government. There is, of course, plenty of justification for this, given the then Labour leadership’s blatant push in that direction. But now it is clear that things have changed.

That is why full marks to the Government in accelerating the lobbying of Labour Party MPs given the way the next general election is shaping up in the United Kingdom. There is evidence to suggest that the electorate are already weary with the Conservatives. Many opinion polls are pointing to a landslide majority for Labour if an election were to take place today. So it is against this background that it makes sense for Gibraltar and its government to hedge its political bets as to the outcome.